Things from my past and present that don't quite fit anywhere else on this web site.
Masterclass with Titus Andronicus - Created this film in conjunction with GRSF and the kids in the Shakespeare For Young Filmmakers program.
Promotional material for Darwin The Series. It features Karl Kenzler and me! I edited this.
The debate is heating up! Who will Charlie choose, Leo or Michael? Find out in Darwin the Series season 1. You will not be sorry.
That's me in my favorite stage sword fight I have ever been in. I loved playing Mercutio. I produced this video but Aaron Johnson really put it together. One of the few things on this site that I only produced and did not edit.... but I did swing the sword.
Richard III with Puppets! Timmy Turner did the puppetry and I did the video. So much fun
Mike Munson is a brilliant artist! I love this little video that I shot on my iphone celebrating a production of Romeo and Juliet directed by Doug Scholz-Carlson. I put it together in a day.
An extra feature for Darwin The Series. Watch the show and you will understand this clip. A lot of fun to shoot.
Hay, listen! It’s Cake O’Clock!